Saturday, September 20, 2008

Back to school tomorrow

Well we are back to work again tomorrow for our final week of school before a 10 day holiday and trip to India.  Yes we work on Sunday to Thursday.  Our weekend was once again fun filled.  Kelly and I were invited to a party across the city at fellow teachers apartment.  A group of about 15 of us headed over at about 11:30 last night and partied until around 3am.  Of course we went through McDonald's drive-thru on the way home.  Woke up this morning at 7am with one heck of a McDonald's belly ache then managed to fall back asleep until 11.  We gathered up another heavty size group of people and headed over to a friends apartment complex for a pool party.  Ahhhh... a day around the pool with 25 friends and 46 degree weather is an alright way to spend a day.  After a few hours of sun we all went up to her apartment and had a BBQ.  I'm starting to get used to this life.  We have purchased a car here (1997 Honda Accord) and are doing all the transfering of documents tomorrow so we should be on the road very soon.  It will be so nice to have mobility and not have to depend on friends or taxi's every time we step out of the apartment.  Here are some pictures of the party last night and pool party today.  With the balcony on the 10th floor we had an awesome view of the gulf.  Remember you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Yes those are houses, average size houses

You can see a tanker ship docked in the far background

There it is zoomed in 9x


chris said...

i like how you reminded us that we can click on the pictures.

Ryan & Kelly said...

haha hey some people still don't know that.