Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sandstorm... and not by Darude!

The Sandstorm... but it really doesn't do it justice with the flash off...
The flash on... lots of sand in the air. You may be able to tell by the large quantity of particles in front of the camera lens.
MMMM.... Cake

So... Ryan and I got home from a leisurely night at The Palms again. A nice workout and dip in the beautiful evening lit pool does the soul good.
So we managed to come home and eat some dinner when Ryan decides that he wants something sweet... so after a few phone calls Ryan has a few troops to join him on the walk to "Cake & Bake", a local desert paradise.  I, of course, was stuck at home marking. Which ends up being a good thing in this case.
Within about 15 minutes Ryan bursts into the door yelling "Holy crap babe! Have you looked outside?"
We looked outside to barely see the street from our window. Their is HUGE sandstorm going on and is it ever a sight! The wind is SO strong that you can barely see the street. Ryan and the Girls got pelted with sand and garbage flying everywhere as they walked home from the Cake & Bake. Thank god their was a bag to protect the cake!
The Chocolate mousse, Cheesecake and some kind of chocolate pastry cake thingy made it home good shape and although Ryan felt that he had a mouth filled with residue of sand and Mud, he happily enjoyed his arab desserts!
Last night I went to my first Iftar (breaking of the fast at sunset everyday).  The Arabic ladies at school designed the night for the middle school girls who are fasting to enjoy Iftar at School. I is also for us western staff members to enjoy Arabic food and learn how they traditionally Break fast here in Kuwait.
You always break the fast starting with dates. Date trees are everywhere here! Everything is made with them... even the moonshine!
Well.. we better get our laundry in order of the maid tomorrow. Nita is a MACHINE! She is awesome. We came home after she was here last wednesday and everything was gleaming it was so clean! All of our clothes were ironed and hung up neatly and it was like walking into a freshly cleaned hotel room. For $10 a week you can get your house cleaned, laundry done (bedding included), clothes ironed, walls and floors washed, dishes done, bathroom cleaned, toilet scrubbed, windows washed, and anything else you would like done! Did I mention I love Kuwait?

1 comment:

kmalazdrewicz said...

Hey guys! Sorry, I'm just catching up (I forgot you had a blog!) and I note that Nita IS a machine if she does all that for you!!! Wow, I wish we had something like that here!!! Just a question... will she mark for you too? ;) Happy New Year!