Sunday, September 28, 2008

Greetings from Taj Mahal

We just spent the day here in Agra and visited the Taj Mahal at 5:30am then went to see the Agra Fort. This is a very different place(India). The most extremely poor living conditions on the planet that I have ever seen (even in National Geographic). There are 15 Million people in New Delhi and about 14.5 Million live on the streets, and sleep on the streets. Well maybe I am over-exagerating but it is an absolutley discustingly amazing experience to be here and see this! buffalo, cattle, horses, donkey, camel all living amoungst the people. Animals everywhere, in homes actually living with them. We were out driving around Delhi late at night and there were people (thousands of people) sleeping on the sidewalks, meridians, etc with buffalo, donkey, and horses amoungst them all. To sum it up, Pukatawagan would look like Vegas compared to what I have seen so far. Of course we have only travelled from New Delhi to Agra, and I am sure there are some places in India that are very nice. We are enjoying every minute of our time here and have been very well taken care of by our hotels. It is definitely a life experience and we are both happy we got to see it. We are off tomorrow to the National Park for 3 days, which we are very excited about. We board the train at 4pm, which is 5:30am MB time. It will be nice to get out of the hustle and bustle of the urban sprawl. 15 Million in Delhi and 1 Million in Agra we are ready to go to the bush for some peace and quiet. They say there's almost 1.5 Billion people in India and after being here and only traveled 200km so far, I believe it!

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