Saturday, September 6, 2008

School Started

Well we have now completed our first week at school.  It is quite a different experience than we are used to.  First of all every student is dressed in the school uniform; basically black pants and any type of white shirt.  Secondly they have these backpacks that they don't have to carry; instead they are on wheels and they pull them around school.  Very much like stewardess do in the airports.  As we pulled up to the school it was swarmed with Mercedes, BMW's and Porsches all dropping of kids.  
They are grade 7 boys so they do talk, and especially after a very eventful summer they want to tell their friends all about it.  But if you give them a task to do, it is automatically silent and all heads are down on their page.  Awesome!  I had every boy in class tell me their name and what they did over summer break.  Well 95% of them spent time in Australia, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, America, Dubai, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Disney Worlds all over the place.  Yeah that must be nice to be 13 and going to the Chalet every summer at these destinations!  I don't even want to tell them where I am going on my break in fear of getting the response, "yeah I've been there 5 times".  I just finished calling all my students parents to let them know how the first week went and just to touch base with them.  They were all very very pleased with me phoning them and said if I ever have a problem with their son to call them right away.  Also they assured me there sons were all "A" students so they expect a lot out of them.  Very good experience thus far.  Here are some pictures of the school and my empty classroom.


                                  Our school stretches all the way to the far left in this picture

                                                                       Front Lobby

                                                                       my classroom

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