Saturday, September 20, 2008

The holiday "Gergeon" has come to Kuwait this past week.  Gergeon is like our Halloween.  Students, mainly younger grades, dress up in traditional clothing and come to school with heaps of candy for their classroom and teachers.  It is a bigger deal with the little kids but a lot of the middle school girls take it quite serious as well.  To make a long story short Kelly and I came home from school last wednesday and between the two of us had a ton of candy.  It is kind of like Halloween and Easter put together.  Here are pictures of Kelly's pile and my pile respectfully...

Well done Kelly!


1 comment:

rg said...

Ryan it sounds and looks like you and Kelly are really enjoying life. Good on you!!
You'll have to tell me about the trip you took with your students some time. My son, Andrew and I were in Japan this summer, had an awesome time.
Randy Gabel