Friday, September 12, 2008

Isn't that illegal in Canada?

So I had my first Learning Quiz with my girls on Thursday. They were stressed regardless of the fact that this is not a big deal. All they have to do is write down 10 things that they have learned in Social Studies this week. Well... one poor girl was ready to vomit she was so nervous. She came into the classroom early and was green. 
"Ms. Kelly... Good morning. I don't feel well. I must got to the nurse but I want to make sure I write my Learning Quiz first"
I told this poor kid that if she was sick that she should go and see the nurse and go home. She can write her Learning quiz next week. 
"But Ms. it is very important to write the quiz because I don't want to fail" She replied. "I studied for 3 hours last night!" I have NEVER heard that from a grade 7 student and I don't think I ever will again. 3 hours? I've never even studied for 3 hours!
So the students are all asking a million questions. Can I put this on my learning quiz? What about this? And this? They are so desperate to do well that they get very intense. They are so young to be so nervous about grades but it is very endearing.
I start handing out the papers and then it's starts.
In unison, sounding like a kindergarten class greeting the teacher in the morning, they begin chanting in Arabic. A few of them snuck in a couple giggles upon looking at me. Apparently I had a look of disbelief on my face. I had no idea what was happening because: a. I don't speak Arabic and b.Who chants in unison before a test?
The one little girl says to me:
"Ms. Kelly, do you know what we were doing?" She giggled quietly. Apparently the look on my face was still there.
"We pray before our test so Allah (god) will help us to get good grades." 
Makes sense now.  Just not something you expect to happen in class. After all, prayer in schools is illegal in Canada.
Every single assignment has been handed in. Everyone works incredibly hard in class. They listen and are desperate to understand everything. It's like teaching keen university students but in 12 year old bodies.
Usually, you give students an assignment and that's when you have to crack down on managing everyone in the room. Here, you give an assignment and you could hear a pin drop for 45 minutes. The managing only comes when they sit with nothing to do.  It's truly incredible. 
Went to the IMAX last night at the Scientific Center and saw "Dinosaurs 3D".
Tonight we are meeting up with some people to go play soap soccer. Picture a blow up soccer field (like the old moonwalk "rides" they used to have at fairs) filled with dish soap, 10 people, 2 nets and a soccer ball. We are definitely ready to have some fun. You find interesting ways to have fun Friday nights when you don't have the options of drinks with friends. It's a nice change although I do miss having a glass of wine every once and awhile!  On Monday we are going to head to the Kuwait Aquarium and watch them feed the sharks.  Apparently this only happens on Mondays.  More to come.

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