Thursday, December 25, 2008


MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!!

Well Wendy and Tricia arrived right on time with zero issues with visa's or transfers.  Upon their arrival we indulged in a Christmas potluck feast at our apartment building.  There was about 45 of us teachers and family members who came out for the dinner.  
Today we headed out into the desert to look for the camel herd that we never found when Mom and Dad were here.  Well we found them and it was a pretty cool experience for these Canadian tourists we have with us.  Ended up going for a chocolate fondu at a nice little patio on the gulf, then got into a race with a Lamborghini on the way out.  This rich lambo driver juiced it off the green light for about 3 sec and then backed off and cruised really slow so I caught up to him and as he was admiring the girls I had with me I stomped my foot pedal to the floor.  I got about 6 feet ahead of him before he quickly realized what I was doing; he dropped about 4 gears and was GONE!  The sound that thing made at 8500 rpm was amazing.  I was literally shaking after that episode for about 5 mins.  Very cool.  I don't even know if the girls knew what was going on. 
Tomorrow we will conquer the Avenues Mall and maybe see an IMAX movie.  

At 25 degrees and the number of Christmas trees around us being less then I can count on one hand this really does NOT feel like Christmas.  We both really miss the holiday festivities with you all and can only ask that you take an extra gulp of Egg Nog for us.

All the best to you and yours over the holidays and we will add another blog once settled in Dubai next week.

Take care and Happy Holidays

1 comment:

OMB said...

Happy New Year to you all! Keep up with the blogs, they're very entertaining!