Thursday, December 4, 2008

The eagle has landed

Well the snowbirds have arrived safe and sound.  24hrs in transit and still had enough stamina to stay up until midnight.  We came quickly home from the airport and dropped off the gear then headed out for a quick bite at the Hard Rock Cafe (didn't want to hit them too hard with middle east culture right off the bat).  Kelly and I got up at 5:30am for our last day of school for 10 days.  I had the morning off so I was able to drive Dawne to the school so she could join Kelly's classroom on their field trip today.  Mom and Dad Vipond slept till I woke them up after school at 3:00!!!!!  Looks like the tables have turned on who sleeps in in the Vipond family.  Now I know for sure that I wasn't adopted.  We packed them all up and went to the big market to browse around and then wanted to hit the real shopping so we headed for the Avenues Mall.  We walked the 400,000 sq/m area; had a good look at the Lamborghini they were raffling off and then were ready for supper.  We had a very nice meal at Le Notre and then headed home.  Of course not before taking a lot of night pictures of the Kuwait towers and other sites.  We are all wiped and will be in for a big day tomorrow.  Heading back to the mall of course and then up the towers for a nice view of the city and maybe some sun tanning at the Palms Resort (were Kelly and I have our Beach Club memberships).  So far they are very impressed with the travel agent they booked through.  He is highly recommended.    Anybody game?  Here is a look at some pictures so far.

The marina at night

Mall Entrance

Inside Mall

Another shot inside the mall

Fountain lights at the mall

Mom and I at the market

1 comment:

OMB said...

Glad to hear everyone arrived safe and didn't bring my disease (flu) with them. Have fun!