Sunday, December 14, 2008

Done traveling for a few days

Well the crew made it back to the airport last night around 10pm. They were flying out at 1:35am and should be back in Wpg 4pm Monday afternoon. All in all I think they really enjoyed themselves, especially in Jordan. Mom was very comfortable with the culture, easily chatting up the locals everywhere we went. Now we have a few more people on Team "big bad" Middle East. The pictures probably speak for themselves but I am sure everyone will have stories to tell you once they are back. Kelly and I are back to work now until next Wednesday then we are off until the new year. Wendy and Tricia arrive next Wednesday so we will stay here in Kuwait for 5 days and then fly to Dubai where we will spend New Years. It should be a pretty fun vacation for all. Hope to do some Bedouin camping, sandboarding, snowboarding, and hit the huge waterpark. We are also planning on driving to Abu Dhabi for a day trip to check out the UAE's capital. We will take a little break from the blog until they arrive next week and then let you all know what they think of Kuwait before heading to Dubai. Talk to you soon.

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