Thursday, December 25, 2008


MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!!

Well Wendy and Tricia arrived right on time with zero issues with visa's or transfers.  Upon their arrival we indulged in a Christmas potluck feast at our apartment building.  There was about 45 of us teachers and family members who came out for the dinner.  
Today we headed out into the desert to look for the camel herd that we never found when Mom and Dad were here.  Well we found them and it was a pretty cool experience for these Canadian tourists we have with us.  Ended up going for a chocolate fondu at a nice little patio on the gulf, then got into a race with a Lamborghini on the way out.  This rich lambo driver juiced it off the green light for about 3 sec and then backed off and cruised really slow so I caught up to him and as he was admiring the girls I had with me I stomped my foot pedal to the floor.  I got about 6 feet ahead of him before he quickly realized what I was doing; he dropped about 4 gears and was GONE!  The sound that thing made at 8500 rpm was amazing.  I was literally shaking after that episode for about 5 mins.  Very cool.  I don't even know if the girls knew what was going on. 
Tomorrow we will conquer the Avenues Mall and maybe see an IMAX movie.  

At 25 degrees and the number of Christmas trees around us being less then I can count on one hand this really does NOT feel like Christmas.  We both really miss the holiday festivities with you all and can only ask that you take an extra gulp of Egg Nog for us.

All the best to you and yours over the holidays and we will add another blog once settled in Dubai next week.

Take care and Happy Holidays

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Done traveling for a few days

Well the crew made it back to the airport last night around 10pm. They were flying out at 1:35am and should be back in Wpg 4pm Monday afternoon. All in all I think they really enjoyed themselves, especially in Jordan. Mom was very comfortable with the culture, easily chatting up the locals everywhere we went. Now we have a few more people on Team "big bad" Middle East. The pictures probably speak for themselves but I am sure everyone will have stories to tell you once they are back. Kelly and I are back to work now until next Wednesday then we are off until the new year. Wendy and Tricia arrive next Wednesday so we will stay here in Kuwait for 5 days and then fly to Dubai where we will spend New Years. It should be a pretty fun vacation for all. Hope to do some Bedouin camping, sandboarding, snowboarding, and hit the huge waterpark. We are also planning on driving to Abu Dhabi for a day trip to check out the UAE's capital. We will take a little break from the blog until they arrive next week and then let you all know what they think of Kuwait before heading to Dubai. Talk to you soon.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Petra, Wadi Rum (by Kelly)

After a lovely adventure on the Dead Sea we departed for the Ancient city of Petra on Tuesday morning. It took us awhile to get there since, after being rerouted off of the main highway, we found ourselves driving the deserted back roads of rural Jordan. We managed to find our way there after stopping to find some help. 
Help can be hard to get in Jordan as many people do not speak any English. It is a much less common destination for many because it does not hold the glitz and glam of places like Dubai. It is a destination that shows the true nature of the Middle East. The streets of even the smallest town are filled with men, women and children going about their daily rounds to get fresh produce and meat for dinner. People sell their wares and work hard in order to make a simple living. 
And then there are the Bedouins.... the nomads who live in caves and live the simplest, yet arguably the happiest life, of any people I have ever encountered. The Bedouins have been around for centuries and date back to over 2500 years ago. Their culture and ways of living are so well settled that I find it truly admirable how comfortable they are in their own skin and the harsh desert environment.  We all picked up the book "Married to a Bedouin" about a women from New Zealand who fell in love and married a Bedouin man from Petra.  She moved there to live with him and his family in their cave. They had three children and the story goes on. He passed away in 2004 and she now spends her time between Petra and New Zealand.
The people of Jordan are some of the kindest I have met. That is saying a lot because the people of the Middle East have a tendency to show more kindness then most city dwellers in North America. In Kuwait, many people are more than happy to strike up conversation and find out where you are from. However, that is because 70% of the city is Expats and they come from other places. We have many things in common with 70% of the population of Kuwait City because we are all living a life away from the comforts of home and family. However, Jordan is different. When you get to Jordan you find that, even though you are a tourist and you are a main source of income for the country's economy, the local people are genuinely interested in you. Many will strike up perfectly innocent conversation and offer to show you places without an ulterior motive. It can really test your North American paranoia! Even through broken English we found ourselves feeling comfortable conversing with total strangers.
We finally arrived in Petra around 5 pm... just in time to see the sunset over Wadi Musa (The Valley of Moses). Wadi Musa is the biblical town were Moses struck the rock and started a spring of water that watered the people of Jordan. It is immediately beside Petra. We arrived and had dinner and an early bedtime. It was as if we knew what we were up for the next day....
We woke up at 7:00 am Wednesday morning with intent of going to the Archeological Site early. We were a bit jumpy with anticipation and their was an air of excitement in the cool morning breeze. Ryan and I have been dreaming of visiting the Ancient Ruins of Petra for 5 years now. We all got to the entrance, hired a guide and we were off. The guide brought us through the 2 kilometer, 3 meter wide gorge that serves as the only entrance to Petra all while teaching us about the Ancient Nabataeans that once called this place home. 
When we reached the Treasury, the most popular and commonly known monument of Petra,  we were excited to see the Grandeur of the buildings. The buildings of Petra are all carved with ancient expertise into the side of the surrounding rock cliffs. It truly cannot be described... it can only be explained in pictures. We kept going through the ancient City of Petra as the Bedouins sold their wares around us and spoke in broken English to the tourists making their way through the excavated ruins. We finally decided to brave the mountain climb. We needed to cover a series of over 800 stairs up the side of a mountain to get to "Al Dier" or the Monastery and get a view of the "top of the world" which overlooks Bethlehem, Jerusalem and the mountainous terrain of Israel and Jordan.
  I was very proud of Shirley, Rob, and Mom. It was a climb that many people chose not to do because of the 800 stairs.  We made our way back to realize that we had walked over 9 kilometers that day. We stopped for pizza for dinner and then Ryan and I headed back to do another 4 kilometers and do the "Petra at Night" Tour where you walk the entire first leg of the ruins but they are lit by candlelight. How lovely! It was so romantic, just us and 100 Chinese tourists.
The next day we were off to Wadi Rum, where the "Lawrence of Arabia" movie was filmed, to tour the Desert in a Safari Jeep. We were taken on a Bedouin adventure indeed! Our guide, Hasan, was very accommodating but spoke very little english. Just enough to get by. He was very quiet but knowledgeable and accommodating. We stopped for lunch and got a fire going to make traditional Bedouin black tea. Then Hasan handed each of a us a knife, fork, and a plate with an onion, desert grown cucumber, tomato, homemade flatbread and a can of tuna he had opened with his extremely large Bedouin knife. It was a simple lunch that tasted great after a long morning of running up the red sand dunes of Wadi Rum.
We were taken back to our campsite with about 1 hour left of sunlight. As soon as we got their we were shown our rooms. We were to  live as Bedouins and being sleeping on small diwaniya foams with sheepskin blankets. It gets down to 7 degrees at night so we were excited to see lots of blankets ready for us! We watched the sunset over the desert and then sat down in our tent with a fire blazing in the middle of it. The sides of the shelter were closed to keep the wind out and we got quite warm and cozy on the foams by the fire. Hasan's brother and nephew kept us company and spoke with us while Hasan made a traditional Bedouin dinner of us. 
When dinner was ready, we enjoyed a FANTASTIC meal of Chicken, potatoes, Rice, bread and Vegetables in Fresh yogurt. Of course, we ended off the meal with Bedouin tea. It was a lovely evening. We exchanged stories and songs. Singing is a big part of Bedouin culture so we ended up singing national anthems and impressed the Arabs with a rollicking rendition of "O Canada". It was a great night that will forever be in our minds. We settled down to sleep early again to the peaceful silence of the desert. The wind softly blew into our tents as we settled off to sleep.  Rob and Ryan had their own way to warm the tents which we were not fond of but the aroma did keep the Rattlesnakes and Scorpions at bay
We woke up early to go back into Rum Village (which sounds like a party place but really isn't). We had to now drive the 3 1/2 hours back to Amman to catch our plane. All was successful and now we find our selves back at home in Kuwait. 
It has been a wonderful time with our parents and we are so happy to have had them here to share a little piece of what our lives are like during this year of adventure. We  are so proud of them for braving a part of the world painted so "volatile" by the North American media. It is nice to have them understand now what a wonderful place the Arab world is. It truly is not what you see in the media; in fact, it is a much nicer and safer place than any city I have ever visited in Europe or North America. Coming home will be less difficult now that our parents understand what our life has consisted of for the past year. We will miss them and it will be a tough goodbye... but we will see them again soon.  
These adventures make us realize how lucky we are to have happy, supportive and healthy parents who are up to being adventurous alongside us. They support our decisions to do crazy things; they are with us in spirit everyday no matter where we are around the globe. They are truly great parents and even better friends.

Dead Sea Shoreline

The highway from the Crusaders Castle

Petra, Jordan

a fish?

a camel and bedouin man carved onto the rock

The Treasury

Inside the treasury. Natural rock color

Little boy putting a bret in his sisters hair

just a few of the 800 steps up the mountain

view from the top

I almost fell off the mountain

800 steps later...The Monastery at the top of the mountain

yes the sky was THAT blue

Last picture of Petra.... now onto Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum desert

Monday, December 8, 2008

Nice Evening

Had a great evening tonight as we walked along the Dead Sea together.  Then we can up to the patio and enjoyed a beverage or 2 while watching (and some of us partaking in) a dance party by the poolside!  We will continue our journey tomorrow on the Dead Sea road and then meet up with the Kings Highway.  This Toyota Camry we rented really comes to life at -1400ft elevation! I think it is rated at 270 hp at ??? elevation so we figure we're getting at least 400 hp out of it.  Makes me wonder what the XCR 800 would do down here.  
Off to Petra tomorrow.

Dead Sea

Well today was quite the day! 

We woke up early and headed to Hammamat Ma'in Hot Springs; They are natural hot springs that are located 200m below sea level at the bottom of a gorge along the Jordanian Plateau. There are a series of waterfalls that are VERY hot to touch. You just get into your swimsuit and head on in! The water is beautiful and when you stand underneath the waterfall the water just pelts down on you giving you a lovely warm massage. Everyone loved it and felt excellent as we jumped into the car and headed off to the Dead sea.

We got to the Dead sea Coastal highway and decided to find our hotel.  As we drove through the Hotel area of the Dead Sea and stopped to ask for help several times we realized something was wrong... nobody knew of the "Lot Hotel". I (Kelly) was feeling rather suspicious because the conformation email had the initials "il" at the end of the email address....

Ryan and I walked into another hotel to use the Internet to try and solve the mystery location of our hotel booking. My suspicions were correct as we were appalled to find out we would be unable to reach our hotel... because it was in ISRAEL!  Needless to say we all tried to come up with a new game plan while we soaked in the Dead sea and aimlessly floated in the battery acid... I mean the really salty water. 

The water was great but you need to rinse instantly when you come out since you are covered in salt and all your cuts and scrapes are stinging like crazy. My hair was covered with white chunks of salt as I emerged from the chilly depths of the marine-animal free water.  The Dead sea is a salt lake between Israel and the West Bank to the west, and Jordan to the east.  It is 420m (1,378ft) below sea level and its shores are the lowest point on the surface of the Earth on dry land.  It is also the worlds saltiest body of water at 8.6 times more salty then the ocean.  This salinity makes for a harsh environment where no animals can flourish hence the name, dead sea.

We decided to go into the souvenir shop and ponder our action plan further when we started up a conversation with some local Jordanians.  We ended up borrowing one of their cell phones and hooking up a deal with a local Hotel that is about 1/2 a kilometer away. We ended up booking into the Royal suite of the Dead Sea Spa Resort and this is where we will call home tonight. Oh darn! Life is tough when you are stuck in 5 star hotels in the Royal Suites!

The Dead Sea dead man float

Guy is all covered in Dead Sea mud.  For only 5JD you can be a tar baby too.
Our hotel walkway down to the Dead Sea

Sunset from the hotel pool deck

Our hotel beach

The Royal Suite (60' x 20' plus a bedroom)