Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First few days at the school

Well we have both been at our respective campuses for the past few days getting our rooms in order and having a lot of meetings.  We have to meet with our grade levels, lead teachers, and subject area teachers to discuss up coming events and duties throughout the year.  Things are pretty standard with a few differences being weekly and quarterly reports.  We are both busy making up our letters to parents (introducing ourselves),  and course outlines to be given out next week at parent orientation (Sunday for me and Monday for Kelly).  School will officially begin with students at our door on Wednesday, September 2.  Looks like we will be going over the school handbook, reviewing rules of the school and classroom, and getting lockers handed out for the first couple days.  I, however, are already to go for the first week after that with all my math assignments photocopied and sitting on my desk.  You can never be too prepared.  Of course there are a few things that still need to be distributed to us, i.e. school supplies, but that should come tomorrow.  
I was interested to find out that we have a photocopy attendant.  We do not photocopy ourselves, we bring it to the room and tell the attendant what we want and he does it for us.  If it is something we need for the next day, he will put it in our mailbox/locker which we have in that room.  The boys campus is significantly larger than the girls, we have a $100,000 soccer field which was put in last year with a special kind of turf that you can slide on without getting hurt.  Full gymnasium, basketball court, auditorium/cafeteria, and a kindergarten area to accommodate the 500 kindergarten students.  Our school has over 2,100 students with a 250 person/3 year waiting list to get in.  For more info on this visit  http://www.aca.edu.kw/Profile.html.  I will try and get some pictures of the school up tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great blog! It looks as though you have settled in nicely - very glad to see it. I'm sure you are going to have a fantastic and wonderful learning experience.

All the best,