Monday, August 25, 2008

You call this work?

August 21st, 2007

Today the bus picked us up at 10am once again but today was called “recreation day”. The orientation committee thought it would be a nice end to such a "tough week" . Just a reminder that our work week runs from Sunday to Thursday since friday is the holy day for Muslims. We went to the Crown Plaza to workout, tan or swim by the pool if we wanted. We were there for 5 hours and it was one tough day at work. I now have an even better tan than before and I had to go to Aerobics class. Tsk tsk... a tough day!

Went for dinner at “Divas” which is a very popular restaurant. The few Celebrities that come here to Kuwait always go to Divas. What I find most interesting is that when you go out for dinner in Kuwait, you get served as if you were a King or queen. They literally wait hand and foot on you. I have never experienced anything like it. They don’t give you your bill at all until you ask for it. By the time we were done we had been at dinner for 3 and a half hours, were slightly lightheaded and had just experienced a truly great first night out in Kuwait.

What we found most interesting is the Sheesha and the men who serve it. In pretty much any restaurant  you can order Sheesha which is basically flavored tobacco. Ryan hates smoking in any form so I fully expected him to turn up his nose at this... but he surprised me by trying it. You basically put this syrupy flavored tobacco into this huge traditional sheesha smoker thing with a hose connected to it. Then you put some hot coals on the top and you inhale the flavored smoke. To be honest, it tastes like candy. The smoke tastes like pixie dust or fun dip (lic-a-maid) dust. 

SHEESHA IS NOT A DRUG!!! It is against the Islamic religion to alter your mind and take focus away from god... hence the fact that Booze is illegal! I told Mom and Dad about Sheesha and they seemed sketchy. To put it in perspective, sheesha is (for comparison sake) equivalent to smoking a small cigar. You are not meant to inhale the smoke, just to taste it. There are many different flavors but we tried a few different kinds including Strawberry, Apple, Grape and Orange.

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