Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Well it is difficult to put this post into words. As you know Kelly and I have just returned from a quick (4 day) trip to the Maldives. It is truly a remarkable place that is unimaginable until you actually see it. Any pictures you may have already seen are exact replicates of this place, no exaggeration. The water is indeed turquoise everywhere you look and the snorkeling is bar none. We stayed at an all-inclusive resort which had all you can eat, all you can drink, and all you can snorkel. So that is what we did! Daily boat excursions took us 15 mins to nearby reefs where we swam with tropical fish and sea turtles. The reef around our island had tons of marine life including black tip reef sharks and many sting rays. We were in the water almost every minute of the day. Already we have tossed around the idea of returning this year. Perhaps a good "last hurrah" vacation as we depart international teaching in June? Here are a few pictures re-sized of course for your quick loading convenience.


chris said...

wow, looks like an awesome place. Is it expensive, or pretty decent?

Ryan & Kelly said...

Naw man all inclusive $200 a day, inlcudes all you can drink, all you can eat buffets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, snacks during the day and daily snorkeling excursions out on different reefs. If I remember correctly the Vicount Gord was $110/night and that was only the room. So yeah its pretty cheap.