Friday, September 18, 2009

Back in Kuwait

Well we have settled back into our home here and everything is going very well. We spent the last 5 days at school in meetings and unpacking/setting up our classrooms. Because the end of Ramadan is this coming Monday the Gov't has made all next week a holiday to celebrate the new moon and end of the holy month of Ramadan. Suits us just fine. So after a very stressful week of unpacking 4 boxes we have 10 days off before the school year begins with students. As I mentioned before Kelly and I are off to the Maldives for 4 days. In fact our flight leaves in 4 hrs. To anyone who is interested the Maldives is an island country consisting of a group of "atolls" about 700 kms south-west of Sri Lanka. The 26 atolls encompass a territory featuring 1,192 islets of which 200 are inhabited. It is also the smallest Asian country in terms of both population and area. With an average ground level of less than 5ft ASL it is also the country with the lowest highest point in the world at just over 7ft. It is commonly referred to by many as "Paradise on Earth" with its crystal clear turquoise water and abundance of coral and marine life. As a popular get a way for many celebrities we may have a chance to tip a few back with who knows who? We will be staying at the all-inclusive Summer Island Village Resort taking daily snorkeling and diving excursions to different islets. Here is a picture of the water villas that you can rent.


Anonymous said...

So jealous....... have fun!!! take lots of pics!

Pat and Linda said...

Wow Island trip sounds fantastic BUT I bet it can't beat that trip to the Mclaughlins in Grande Cache but goodluck trying...hehehehe