Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Golfing in the Desert....or is it?

Well a friend of mine finally got me out to golf 9 with him last week. We drove for 1/2 an hour and ended up in the middle of the desert, 44kms from the Saudi border, at this amazing golf course. 10kd or $38.00 for 9 holes . That sounds like a lot by Canadian standards but in Canada golf courses are a lot easier to come by. Looks like we will try and get on once a week or every second week for the winter. Here is a look at some pictures I took.


chris said...

$38 may be a lot for Halcrow Lake golf, but it's pretty much what you'll pay for 9 anywhere down here in Ontario.

Any idea where they get the water to make that patch green?? Wells?

Ryan & Kelly said...

ya they just have underground pipes hooked to a pump for all the sprinklers. I imagine they have wells.