Sunday, October 5, 2008

Delhi to Dubai

Well the tail end of our trip brought us to Dubai.  We landed in Dubai yesterday at noon and had a 13hr layover.  This was ok with both of us as we wanted to see the city a bit anyway.  We quickly made our way to Emirates Mall where the indoor ski and snowboarding park is.  After purchasing day passes we hit the slopes.  It was an amazing experience as we came to the mall in our shorts and 36 degree weather then within 15 minutes were snowboarding down a hill at  -10 degrees.  After several hours of boarding we changed back into shorts and toured around the mall to see what we could find.  Well pretty much everything.  You can buy everything from a gum-ball to a Sea-Doo at this place and spend anywhere from 25 cents to $25,000 on a single item (I actually saw a salesman at the Rolex store counting out a wad of $100 bills from one of his customers).  But after a 10 day trip in India we were not in the mood for much spending.  We headed back to the airport for about 10pm and on the way there saw a Corvette and Porsche test their machines against each other on the freeway.  It was a nice roll on as they both cruised along at 80km/h and then geared down to about 2nd gear and were GONE!  Wow what a sight and what a sound.  I think Kelly was sleeping at the time, drooling on the window.  I was drooling on the window too but for a different reason.
Our flight left Dubai at 1:45am and was it ever nice to get home.

Ski Bunny on the hill

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