Saturday, October 18, 2008


Well I was fortunate enough to be able to go out paint-balling today.  I got hooked up through a friend at school who went last year so I got ahold of the guy and planned a skirmish with them.  The group of 18 consisted of mostly Americans with a few Aussies, Brits and Myself. Most of these guys work for the Kuwait Armed Forces and some for the American Embassy.   I headed 70 kms out of Kuwait toward the Iraq border to the location. An old blown up Satellite area with three large buildings and 2 massive 150 ft diameter satellites still standing but in rough shape from the war.  The three buildings we played in were in seriously rough shape from the war as well with holes all over them and evidence of many bombs hitting them.  It was incredible to see the remains of the Gulf War right in your face.  On the drive out I passed a herd of camels along the highway which were being led by a farmer.  That was pretty cool to see.  There had to have been 100 camels.  I snapped a few pictures of whatever fit in the viewfinder.  We had a wicked BBQ when we first got there for everyone to fill their belly's.  Clay had 20 sets up guns, armor, masks, balls, etc for anyone who needed to rent, so we were fully hooked up for about $20.  They also have a 20 gal CO2 tank and 15 gal Nitrogen tank that they bring out to fill up all the little bottles on our guns. So there was no running out of air.  These guys are so loaded up with paintball equipment they can provide enough stuff for 40 guys to paintball all day.  We blasted each other with paint for 3 hrs and had 5 battles with 15 min breaks between each one.  As a first time paintballer I wasn't sure what to expect.  I got laced in the first battle by a guy who ambushed me and unloaded his fully automatic weapon on me from about 20 ft.  After that I knew what paintballs felt like.  I can honestly say they are very similar to taking a dragon fly on the shoulder or arm on a motorcycle at very high speed.  That was exactly what it felt like and I'm used to that so it wasn't too bad.  You Harley riders out there wouldn't know what that is like.  But it really hurts.  Kelly didn't want to come out for this one but maybe she will get enough courage built up to come to the next one with me.  There were a few guys that brought their wives today so everyone is welcome.  I suppose I could work her up to it by whipping her with a wet T-towel for about an hour a day.  That should do it.  Well here are some pictures of the day.  Any questions about any of this stuff feel free to e-mail me at
Cheers for now.

Here's our car for those of you who have not seen it yet.

Those three buildings in the background were the ones we used.

Sunset 1

Sunset 2

Kuwait City from about 20 kms out

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