Monday, May 17, 2010

Our time is near...

Our time in Kuwait is coming to an end quickly. Our school year has just 8 teaching days left and about 3 weeks until we leave. Kelly and I are in the middle of pricing out shipping companies to get our stuff back to Winnipeg as we have collected a few souvenirs. Our flight leaves here June 12 and we will be flying home direct to Toronto from Abu Dhabi on Etihad Airways. It should be a nice 13hr flight seeing as Etihad is apparently the #1 airline in the world right now. We are, however, sniffing out a last minute trip to Egypt that may happen June 3,4,5.

Our future is at a standstill right now as we are applying for jobs back home and waiting to land something permanent. Once that happens we will be looking into building a house in Morden, Manitoba. As I will be continuing my Master's Degree at Brandon University over the winter I will need to commute on Monday evenings for courses. I hope to wrap that up early 2012.

Our summer will be spent between Woodlands/Winnipeg/Rocky Lake/Morden. I have two summer courses I am taking so I will be in Brandon for 3 weeks in August. Other than that we plan to go on a nice motorcycle trip somewhere, perhaps WEST.

Hope to see you all soon.


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