Thursday, January 28, 2010

Vietnam Calls

Well if you cannot remember Kelly and I are off on anohter (and perhaps our last) adventure. Tonight we leave for Vietnam for 14 days on our 'winter break'. We will be flying Etihad Airways (not Ethiopian) from Abu Dhabi to Bangkok, Thailand. We will stay with Kelly's friend Francine for the weekend and on Sunday will fly to Hanoi, Vietnam. Early Monday morning we will be taking a 3 day tour with 'Handspan Tours' to Halong Bay. We will be kayaking around Halong Bay and camping overnight on a traditional wooden 'Junk Boat'. If you have never seen or heard of Halong Bay check it out on google images and it will blow your socks off! After our tour we will head back to Hanoi where we will explore the 'old quarter' of the small city for 3 days. Then we are flying to Hue in central Vietnam where Quy will be waiting for us at the airport. Quy will be our tour guide for the next 4 days. After leaving the airport Quy will lead us to our modes of transportation for the next 4 days......two Yamaha 110cc motorbikes! Thats right, we will be embarking on a 4 day motorcycle tour (guided by Quy on his own bike...hopefully?) around the Hue area including Dmz, Hoian, Vn, and Da Nang via the Hai Van Pass (google that too). It was my personal request that we ride the Hai Van Pass, not to scare the heck out of Kelly but rather to take advantage of one of the most beautiful highways in the world. After our motorcycle trip we fly back to Hanoi and then back to Bangkok where we will meet up with 2 other friends (from Kuwait) and spent 2 days in the markets before heading back to Kuwait. We will arrive back here Feb 14 so shortly there after you can expect an update.
Take care and we will talk again in two weeks.

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