Thursday, December 17, 2009


Happy Holidays to everyone! Kelly and I have just finished up parent/teacher meetings for quarter 2. We have had some short weeks since our arrival back from Africa which has been great. This weekend is another long weekend because of the Islamic New Year which falls on Sunday (which is normally a work day for us). Then the following week we are off to Beirut, Lebanon for New Years. Us and 11 friends are heading to Mzaar Resort & Ski area for the weekend. It is more of a snowboarding/ski trip that happens to fall during new years so we are taking advantage. Shortly after we return, (Jan 7), we are off again for a week. This time....HOME! We are flying back to Winnipeg to meet up with family and friends and heading to a wedding in Cuba. The wedding party has chartered a plane for everyone to fly together from Winnipeg to Cuba on Jan 11. We will have a chance to celebrate a little bit of Christmas and New Years with Kelly's family during our stop over. The Vipond's are going to the wedding so we will have a nice holiday with Mom and Dad in Cuba. We are very excited!
We will return to Kuwait Jan 20 then a week later (Jan 28) Kelly and I have our Winter Break holiday from school where we have booked a trip to Vietnam for 2 weeks. We are also very excited for this. We have never been to S.E Asia and pretty much the only people here who hasn't. All our friends talk very highly of it especially Vietnam which is, for most of them, their favorite place in the world. Unfortunately most people think of Vietnam as a War but it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Well I'm not a travel agent so you'll just have to judge it yourself once we post the pics.


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