Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Never take a sports car golfing

I can say one thing, trying to fit two sets up golf clubs into a Porsche Boxster is a dumb idea. A friend and I woke up at 7am on Friday to go golfing. I told him i'd pick him up so when I got there we loaded up with our clubs in our laps and drove 50kms to the golf course. When we got there the workers ran out to the parking lot to carry our clubs to the clubhouse for us (this is normal and free). We soon found out that we would have to wait almost 2hrs before we could get on the course because it was so busy. We decided to leave. The workers brought the clubs out to the car for us and didn't realize how we brought them there. So I said to my buddy, "watch this" I popped the trunk and the guy took one look in and started laughing, "they aren't going to fit in there!" So we laughed and I said no no sir in the front it's ok. So I popped the hood, he opened it and looked in, "where the engine?" I laughed and replied, "no no it's ok they will fit" so he tried to position them in the front trunk but every way he tried they still stuck out of the hood about a foot. I said, "it's good and I shut the hood, which came down on the clubs and sat about a foot or more wide open. "It's good thank you sir", his eyes lit up, "no no you will drive like this?" my buddy and I both burst out laughing. What a bunch of losers the guy probably thought. But he laughed with us and we loaded them back into our laps in the car and laughed the whole way home. It's one of those times you just had to be there to see how smooth it all went down. Here are some pictures of how the golf course worker thought we were driving down the highway. Next time I will be taking the Honda.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Weekend of Fun!

Well, this weekend was one many of us Western teaching staff look forward to from the beginning of the year... The Annual Rugby Ball at the Hilton Resort. Everybody gets dressed up to the nines and heads out to party like it's going out of style. What a riot we had! Unintentionally, Ryan and I matched in our black and white ensembles and we danced the whole night away.
We are really thinking about next fall and how excited and jealous we are that you guys have snow right now. We both are really missing the chilly weather of fall. It's still 38 everyday here but we are used to it and it just feels like a hot summer day at the lake everyday... minus the lake and add a REALLY big sandbox.
We had a great Thanksgiving meal for the Canadians on our floor last Monday. It was wonderful and we managed to gorge ourselves with enough turkey to feed an army. Being the little suzy homemaker that I am, I decided to try my hand at making turkey soup. It took forever to boil the bones (who knew real soup took so long??) and it turns out it came at the right time! Everyone, save Ryan and I thus far, is getting very ill even within our teacher building. Ryan's class had only 4 students on Thursday! All of Kuwait is extremely paranoid of H1N1 right now so when their children get even a sniffle they yank them out of school. It's quite ridiculous. So far my classroom on the girls campus hasn't been too badly effected as I still have a full room every morning.
We decided that we needed to book another trip to go somewhere for New Years so we booked tickets to Beirut to go snowboarding for New Years. Some friends of ours have a little chalet out in the mountains and they are going to lend it to our group of people to enjoy for 2 days... how nice!!! We just couldn't give up the opportunity so we booked tickets early.
We also got excellent news yesterday from our friends, Daena and Gabe who work with us and live on our floor of the apartment building. They are 4 months pregnant! They have been married for 5 years and will have the baby here in Kuwait.
Other news... Ryan got the Porsche back to do a bit of engine repair. So he will be car-sitting again for the next few months. Having two cars is Awesome!