Friday, January 9, 2009

Knowing one end of an engine to the other has come in very handy!

Well I had a very good day out throwing paint with the boys.  Kelly opted out to go to some workout classes at the gym with some girls so I brought along a buddy instead.  This time we were at the old jail house in Kuwait.  This jail house was absolutely destroyed by Iraq so it makes for an awesome paint ball field.  4hrs of that and we had enough.  First round in the game a guy came from behind me (backup didn't see him) and laced me from about 4ft away.  Unfortunately one ball got me right in the mouth.  Actually it was the mouth guard on the mask but it still felt like my lips ripped off.  The mask has a screen on it so the ball smashed and paint ripped into my mouth at seriously high pressure.  Long story short; I had a pink paintball for lunch!

Now onto the good stuff...

The boy that I tutor in grade 7 told me that his father had a Porsche and that it was reeeally nice but had a problem with the engine.  So when "Dad" came to pick him up after tutoring I asked him, because we are now pretty good friends, about this porsche.  Turns out the engine lets out a huge cloud of smoke when you stomp on it.  He said he didn't want to bring it to a Porsche dealership because it would be very expensive.  He is also leary about the mechanics around here trying to get a lot of money out of him for something that really wasn't that expensive.  So I told him that I would be happy to take a look at it for him as I know my way around an engine.  He was very happy to hear this and in fact was excited to hand me the keys to see what I could find out for him.  Long story short...I now have a Porsche to drive for a couple weeks.  And let me tell you when they say Porsche is a high-end car name, they mean it.  This is an amazing car to drive.  Besides the rear shocks needing replacement it rides very well and handles better then anything I have ever rode in.  It has way more power than I would have imagined for a standard "Boxster" and is so fun to drive.  So about the engine...yes it bellows smoke like the dickens when driven HARD, but runs fantastic all in all.  A new motor for this little guy will hit your wallet at $15,000 but fortunately for my friend, after my trained eye gave it a once over, his little Boxster only needs a $70 air/oil separator.  This unit is sort of like a PVC valve working from the crankcase allowing vapor to be vented back through the engine. When this air/oil separator fails it sucks oil from the crankcase into the throttle body and then into the engine.  It doesn't always do it but when you "floor it" excessively high vacuum is created and oil is sucked up through the separator and into the engine.  This creates a cloud of smoke for about a 500m radius and brings traffic, behind you, to a halt.  Very very very embarrassing.
You start up a nice Porsche in front of a bunch of people, while they watch you, and it's like "Uncle Buck" just smoking everybody out.  

Upon further investigation it was concluded that the part can be changed in about 1.5 hrs with a  pair of pliers and a 10mm wrench.  Whoo hoo! 

Now I just need to find me a 3 ft, 40 lb person to fit inside the engine bay to change it for me.

Here are a couple pictures from paintball today and my new toy "smokey".

My principal Craig on the left, Gabe from Ontario, and Ted from Saskatoon

This is after I cleaned most of the paint off my teeth and face

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