Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fishing on the Arabian Gulf

Not all what its cracked up to be.

We headed out on a 50ft wooden dhow (built 90 years ago) at 9am. After checking in with coast guard it was a 40min cruise to our fishing spot. The guide handed us these round loops with 70lb test line on them and explained how to cast and reel in. We all looked at each other thinking, "is this for real?" You will see in one of the photos what I am talking about. So this was our gear. One guy had a actual rod & reel but the rest of us went with the traditional Kuwaiti style. I thought, "with this hollow looking Frisbee thing I was definitely not going to be catching anything of any size". And we didn't. I caught two baby catfish, another girl caught six and a couple other guys caught one each. You'll notice there are no pictures of these fish, that's because my super close up (macro) lens was not with me. After changing spots 3 times throughout the gulf and still coming up short of any kind of fish we decided it was time to take a dip. This was a large boat and none of us could find a way back onto the boat if we were to dive in so I asked captain, "do you have a ladder so we can swim?" "You want to swim? It's very cold" I had just finished dipping my legs in to test it and assured him it was ok to our standards. "Ok but only stay in for 1 min or 2 min maximum" He couldn't believe we were willing to swim in November. Our friend from New York, who arranged the trip, assured him, "don't worry cap these guys are all from Canada". So all the boys got ready and cameras were out for the BIG plunge into the, what seemed to be, 70F gulf. All the captains workers threw us life preservers while we were in the water and yelled down at us, "its ok?" "Ya its beautiful," we yelled back. Haha are you kiding me. I think he thought we were going to pass out from the bitter cold water.
In a nutshell it was an interesting experience and a very nice 28 degree day out on the gulf. We caught a lot of rays and all came back with slight sunburns. Here are some pictures...

This boat is similar to the one we were on

Coast Gaurd

Thats Captain "Ali" the ol' joggers can't get pulled up much higher

Myself, Edwin (Saskatoon, Gr.6) and Joe (New York, Gr.8)

Andrew (Ontario, Gr. 4)

There are the life preservers that we are quite obviously ignoring

Very boyant salty gulf

That's our fishing "ring" apparatus.

Kristi (Bunny) Andrews girlfriend from Ontario (Kindergarten)

Half the skyline (right)

The other half (left) Kuwait Towers far left corner

Coming back into port. All the fishing boats docked

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